
The Art of Novelty Seeking and How It Relates to Your Purpose in Life


Imagine if, in our search for meaning and purpose, we were being shown the virtue of staying where you are and remaining true to yourself. Instead of constantly searching for the next shiny object, it is better to choose what you have already chosen.

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Although novelty is a good thing, it can only last for a limited time. Some point, the shiny object that was once so new and shiny will no longer be as shiny.

Sometimes it’s more than just pivoting and changing. Sometimes it’s about recommitting yourself to something you once valued in your life. You once loved something with all your heart.

It’s easy for someone to feel that their love is waning and it’s time for them to move on. Sometimes, it’s the right thing to move on. Sometimes, however, it is as simple as returning to something you loved. With fresh eyes. With a new purpose. More wisdom. A whole new level in love.

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The Art of Novelty Seeking and How It Relates to Your Purpose in Life

I had an epiphany while reading The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life. It made me think about this blog.

Since over 12 years, this love of mine has been part of my daily life. There have been times over the past 12 years when my passion has waned, and I have had to recommit. I have been particularly affected by the pandemic over the last 3 years, and more so since the time the travel industry was hit hard.

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After that passion faded, I decided to give up on it and find something new. I wanted to feel that I was making a difference in the evolution of humanity.

I tried several different projects, but none worked out. I lost motivation to do anything. This has been a big reality check for me.

As I sit here, it occurs to me that maybe the other projects didn’t work out because I looked at them wrong. Perhaps I don’t need to stop traveling and keep this blog going in order to provide the service I want. Perhaps it’s about setting a new intention and recommitting to it.

It is still a passion of mine to travel, and I love to share what I have learned with others. For a long time, I haven’t been able to add my voice to this blog. Both what I’ve learned internally and externally, I should be sharing more.

Because I was unsure if people wanted to go deep into their souls to discover what it is that makes them feel alive, I decided to create another blog. Maybe it was my excuse to keep these thoughts from the majority. It was hidden in a corner on the internet and never to be seen.

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Truth be told, I am extremely fortunate to have found my passion early in life and been so successful at it. But I decided to let it all go because I had temporarily lost my passion.

What causes us to fall out of love?

This revelation was shared with a dear friend. She asked me why I think we fall in love. Here’s what I came up with. This is not true in every case of love falling apart, but it is quite common.

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Our culture has conditioned us to believe that novelty is the key to our happiness. We are constantly told to believe that novelty is the answer to happiness in our lives.

Did you know that the brain was designed to focus on the future and ignore the past? Our brains are wired to search for novelty. This is what marketing experts and tech titans know, and it’s why it surrounds us every day — especially with social media. When it sees something new, the brain gets dopamine.

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Our insatiable desire for new things can cause havoc in our daily lives as well as our long-term goals. This is one reason many people struggle to focus and complete difficult tasks. (That’s another topic).